Schalen und Teller - Bowls and Plates


Nummer / Number: 09619
Zuschreibung /Attribution: USA Boston & Sandwich Glass Co.
Serienname: 1844 Henry Clay Presidential Campaign Glass Plate
Herstellerkennzeichnung / Maker´s number:
Motiv / Pattern:
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Farbe / Color:
Höhe / Height in cm :
Ø in cm:
Anmerkungen / Annotations: Henry Clay Presidential Campaign, Pressed Glass Plate, Manufactured by the Boston & Sandwich Glass Co., Choice Near Mint. This heavy Flint Lacy Sandwich Glass Plate, measures 3.5” in diameter and features a profile portrait of the Whig Candidate in the center, which is labeled: “Henry Clay.” This plate is one of the Campaign items produced in 1844, and is identified as 3021-N in Volume III of Ted Hake’s reference work, “Political Buttons.” This original 1844 Plate has a deep, Flint Glass “ring” tone to it. It is in excellent condition for this type of Early American Pressed Glass with just 2 tiny nicks on the rim. A rare and beautiful, 1844 Henry Clay Presidential Campaign item. Additional Information: During the campaign of 1840, many pieces were produced to promote the cause of the Whig candidates, General William Henry Harrison and Governor John Tyler, who, without a party platform defeated Martin VanBuren for re-election. With the slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too," the Whigs made campaign capital of the charge that their standard bearer was a backwoods pioneer who lived in a log cabin, wore a coonskin cap, and drank hard cider. American glass factories turned out bottles, flasks, drinking glasses, bowls, plates, and other articles decorated with the Whig campaign emblems. They must have been produced in quantity but, like present-day campaign buttons, few have survived. Far fewer pieces were produced for the 1844 Whig Presidential Candidate Henry Clay.

photo & description: Courtesy & ©